Size of the project:
• Surface area of the fenced site: 23 hectares
• Length of the site fence: 2 km
• Volume of concrete: 40,000 m3
• Number of seismic support structures (pads): 198
• Volume of steel in the reactor building: ~ 8,000 tonnes
• Size of the reactor building (BUR): 36.6 m in diameter and 43.1 m in height
• Size of nuclear auxiliary building (BUA): 50.3 m long, 46.4 m wide and 34.8 m high
JHR pools:
• Vessel liner surface area: 1,800 m2
• Accumulate length of liner welds: 2 km
Reactor characteristics:
- Maximum output: 100 MW;
- Effective output: 70 to 100 MW
- Length of average cycle: 25 EFPD; Max: 35 EFPD
- Number of cycles per year: 6 to 7
- Fast flux in the core: 1.6 to 5.2.1014n/cm2/s
- Thermal flux in the core and in the reflector: 1.4 to 4.8.1014n/cm2/s
- Displacements per atom (dpa/year): 11.5
- Core dimensions: 60 cm x 60 cm